Burnout Test

A professional burnout test, created by psychologists (PhD)


Discover if you have burnout related symptoms


Scientifically validated burnout test


Detailed results in easy-to-read graphs


Three simple steps to find out if you have burnout-related symptoms

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1. Answer all statements

Click on the answer you relate to the most.

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2. Check out the results

Find out if you have burnout-related symptoms.

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3. Find out more

Get to know more about burnout and how to prevent it.

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About the Burnout Test

Information, frequently asked questions and tips

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How is burnout determined?

We analyse your answers to the questions. The test will never give you a yes or no answer; instead, it will indicate how many signs of burnout you have

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What does it cost?

We only ask for 0 for unlimited access to all our tests for 7 days. It does not matter whether you take the career choice test or the IQ test . After the trial period, the trial account will be converted to a no-obligation premium account with a monthly amount of which can always be canceled.

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How was the burnout test developed?

This is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure the risk of burnout. It was developed using a combination of a deductive (theoretical) and an inductive (empirical) approach. On the basis of an analysis of a number of research studies and theoretical considerations, five scales were designed and integrated into a test to measure the risk of burnout.

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Why Should You Take a Test for Burnout Syndrome?

Whether you love your job or not, everyone deals with stress at work from time to time. But when work related stress becomes the norm, especially when you feel like you have no control, you may be crossing over into burnout territory. According to the World Health Organization, burnout is a syndrome resulting from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It’s characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one’s job or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job, and reduced professional efficacy (World Health Organization, 2019). Why is it important to know whether it’s just work stress and not work burnout? Without attention, burnout syndrome can have serious medical, behavioral, and psychological consequences—which we cover in depth in this article about burnout.

If you are feeling overwhelmed at work, notice a significant change in your moods or behaviors, or are experiencing unexplained medical or physical problems, putting aside X minutes to take this online test for burnout symptoms can help determine whether the conditions at work are contributing factors.

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What will taking a burnout symptom test tell me?

First of all, if you score high on a burnout symptoms test, one thing it will tell you is that you need more than just a vacation feel better. If you test high, there’s a strong probability you’ve been dealing with chronic stress for quite some time. When a person experiences habitual stress from burnout syndrome, they are at higher risk of serious medical issues such as stroke, heart attack, ulcers, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Burnout syndrome is also strongly associated with psychological conditions such as clinical depression, adjustment disorders, and anxiety disorders. A high burnout score is an indication that you may need to start making some changes in your life—at a minimum talking to someone or getting support. The BrainManager Burnout Test consists of a series questions, carefully chosen and scientifically validated by our team of professional psychologists to identify symptoms and risk factors of burnout syndrome. After taking this online burnout symptoms test, you will receive your results with detailed and informative graphs showing your associated risk factors. Armed with your personalized results, you will be able to determine whether your emotional exhaustion and fatigue are simply due to working too hard or whether they are signs of work burnout. The more factors and symptoms identified in your test results, the more likely it is that you are on the road to developing full blown, habitual burnout syndrome.

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Do I need to take a test for burnout?

Ultimately, whether to take a burnout test online is a decision that you will have to make for yourself. Many people consider stress from work to be normal and expected—something they just need to accept and deal with in order to get a paycheck. Unfortunately, many people also don’t understand how serious chronic stress can be. Burnout syndrome doesn’t develop overnight. It develops slowly over time as a reaction to the stress from toxic work conditions. It’s dangerous and insidious, and can have a devastating impact on your performance, personal life, relationships, and health. Sadly, more and more studies and research are showing that burnout syndrome is on the rise. But the good news is that early identification, intervention, and support in dealing with burnout can help to prevent serious complications. Here’s a few reasons why taking the BrainManager Burnout Test makes sense.

4 Reasons to Take a Test for Burnout Symptoms

1. An online burnout test can help you evaluate whether you are burnt out, and if so, how bad it is.

2. Taking a burnout test can be a pre-emptive step in taking action, giving you a baseline for the future.

3. A burnout test can help normalize what you are experiencing, helping you to understand that you are not alone

4. Taking a burnout self-test can be the motivating factor to getting help and making a change

Burnout Quiz—Quick Self-Assessment for Burnout If you’re not ready to take our burnout symptoms test yet, you can start with this quick job burnout quiz. This is a subjective measure of burnout risk factors, and while not scientifically validated like our online burnout symptoms test, it can give you a general idea of whether you are experiencing job burnout. For each of these questions, answer “yes” if it applies to you.

- I have become more short-tempered, callous, and/or cynical with people than I used to be

- I feel fatigued and emotionally exhausted, even before getting to work

- My work responsibilities are unrealistic in relation to the time I am given to get things done

- I wake up in the morning dreading the thought of going to work

- When I am not at work, I find it hard not to think about all the problems there

- I do not feel appreciated or supported by the managers and higher ups at work

- It feels like I am just going through the motions at work, almost on autopilot without thinking.

- At work, I am easily irritated by small problems, or by my co-workers and team.

- Despite feeling exhausted, I have difficulty sleeping at night

- Lately I have unexplained headaches, stomach or bowel problems, or other physical complaints

If you have a lot of the items above “checked off,” especially if these are not typical of your normal personality or behavior, then you have some of the common signs of burnout. Now ask yourself how long you have been experiencing these things? The longer the period (again, unless an item is typical to who you are), the higher the likelihood of them being related to feeling burnt out at work. This is especially true if you are able to identify specific examples of a toxic work environment or poor working conditions. For some of you, this simple quick burnout quiz is enough to confirm to you that you need to do something now before the stress at work becomes too much to handle. But for others, you may want to learn more about your burnout risk factors and related symptoms.

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What can’t an online burnout test do?

Taking an online test for burnout is only the first step in the process. The BrainManager Burnout Test is designed to help bring awareness to the warning signs of burnout syndrome. This self-test for burnout symptoms is not a medical or psychological diagnosis, but it can be used to While taking a test for burnout can help you to identify the underlying reasons for how you have been feeling emotionally and physically exhausted, this understanding alone may not be enough. For example, if you are experiencing problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, sleep disturbances, memory loss and/or concentration impairment, you should seek medical attention.

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Still not sure whether you need to take a burnout test online?

Taking an online test for burnout is only the first step in the process. The BrainManager Burnout Test is designed to help bring awareness to the warning signs of burnout syndrome. This self-test for burnout symptoms is not a medical or psychological diagnosis, but it can be used to While taking a test for burnout can help you to identify the underlying reasons for how you have been feeling emotionally and physically exhausted, this understanding alone may not be enough. For example, if you are experiencing problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, sleep disturbances, memory loss and/or concentration impairment, you should seek medical attention.

Learn more the signs of burnout,and why it’s important to get help if you are experiencing burnout


This test for burnout is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical or psychological advice. Obtaining a high score on this online burnout test is not the same as a professional diagnosis of burnout syndrome. If you are concerned about your personal health, or that of a loved one, BrainManager strongly recommends that you consult a medical professional or healthcare provider.

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