Languages of Love Test: Discover Your Love Language!

Discover what love languages you speak for improved relationships!


Detailed analysis of your love language profile.


Gain insights into your emotional communication style.


Learn how to deepen connections with those around you.


3 simple steps to Learn Your Love Languages

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About the BrainManager Languages of Love Test

Frequently Asked Questions about Love Languages

What are the five love languages?

What are the five love languages?

The 5 Love Languages, a theory developed by Dr. Gary Chapman, include Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. This concept suggests that individuals have preferred ways of giving and receiving love, which, when understood and applied, can enhance and deepen relationships. Chapman's theory emphasizes the importance of recognizing and respecting these diverse love languages to foster meaningful connections.

How important is it to know my own love language?

How important is it to know my own love language?

Knowing your own love language is crucial for self-awareness and enhancing your personal relationships. It goes beyond simply improving romantic connections; it's about understanding your emotional needs and how you interpret acts of love and appreciation. This awareness can help you communicate your needs more effectively to others, whether they're your partner, family members, friends, or colleagues. By recognizing your love language, you can also better appreciate how others might express their affection towards you, even if their ways differ from your preferences. In essence, understanding your love language is a step towards deeper emotional intelligence and more fulfilling interactions with those around you.
How can I find out my love language?

How can I find out my love language?

To find out your love language, you can quickly and conveniently take BrainManager's Languages of Love Test from the comfort of your home. This online assessment is designed to identify your primary and secondary love languages by asking a series of questions about your preferences in receiving and expressing love. Completing the test provides you with immediate insights into how you prefer to give and receive love, which can be invaluable for improving your relationships.
How was the BrainManager Languages of Love Test created?

How was the BrainManager Languages of Love Test created?

To develop this test for love languages, the BrainManager team thoroughly studied numerous empirical studies and theoretical papers on love languages and other relevant concepts. We immersed ourselves in understanding the nuances of each love language, and from this knowledge, we created questions that reflect the varied behaviors and emotions associated with them. Our goal was to blend academic insights with practical observations. Therefore, the test presents a nuanced tool for identifying and understanding your unique preferences in expressing and receiving love. This test is designed to capture the complexity of individual love languages. When you receive the results, the doors to self-discovery and enhancing your connections with others are opened.
Is this an official love languages test?

Is this an official love languages test?

No, our love languages test is not the official love languages test created by Dr. Gary Chapman, the original author of the theory. However, our tool has been developed decades after the original theory and test, benefiting from a wealth of studies conducted in the field during this period. As such, our tool is relevant to current perspectives on love languages and enriched with new scientific insights. Despite not being the official love languages test, our tool encompasses everything you need for a comprehensive understanding of your unique preferences in expressing and receiving love.
Are the results of this online love languages test confidential?

Are the results of this online love languages test confidential?

Yes, your test results are kept confidential and are not shared with anyone unless you choose to do so. At, we know how important privacy is. That is why we encrypt all personal data with 256-bit encryption.
Is this love language test free?

Is this love language test free?

No, this is not a free love languages test. The BrainManager Languages of Love Test is a premium assessment tool. It provides detailed test results and information about your primary and secondary love languages. This includes a printable 5 Love Languages Test PDF with your results and self-reflection questions. For new members, the cost is only 0. Access to a growing database of hundreds of personal development articles, training exercises, and, coming in 2024, an entire library of self-improvement courses is included in this price. If you are already a member, this test is included with your monthly subscription. If you are not ready yet, we recommend reading more about Chapman’s Love Languages. We bet you will recognize some of your own relationship traits!

What does it cost to take this online love languages test?

What does it cost to take this online love languages test?

If you are new to BrainManager, we offer a 7-day trial for only 0! In addition to your Languages of Love Test results, you get unlimited access to all tests (both free and premium, with detailed test results) and our growing database of personal development articles and exercises. After the trial period, your account will be converted to a no-obligation premium account with a monthly fee of . You can cancel anytime and still have access to the free member’s area. If you do not want a subscription, you can purchase a single Premium test, with unlimited lifetime access to take the test over as often as you want, plus access to our free member’s knowledge base for .
How do love language tests work?

How do love language tests work?

Most Love language tests consist of a series of questions designed to gauge how you prefer to give and receive love in relationships. By evaluating your responses to different scenarios and preferences, these tests can identify which of the five love languages — Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, or Physical Touch — resonates most with you. The outcome helps you understand your primary and possibly secondary love languages, offering insights into how you connect with others emotionally and how you prefer to express and receive affection.
Is it common to have more than one primary love language?

Is it common to have more than one primary love language?

No, it’s actually rare to have more than one primary love language. It is common to have more than one love language that resonates with us, but most people have one dominant love language and one that is secondary. BrainManager's Language of Love Test is designed to identify not just your primary love language but also your secondary love language, providing a comprehensive understanding of how you prefer to give and receive love. This insight can help improve communication and strengthen relationships

Can my love language change over time?

Can my love language change over time?

Yes, your love language can change over time. As individuals grow and their circumstances evolve, their emotional needs and ways of expressing love may shift. Changes in life stages, personal development, and relationship dynamics can all contribute to a possible change in your primary love language. It's important to periodically reassess and communicate your love language to ensure your emotional needs are being met in your relationships
Can love languages improve my relationship?

Can love languages improve my relationship?

Yes, understanding and applying love languages can significantly improve your relationship. By recognizing and catering to your partner's primary way of receiving love — whether through words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch — you can enhance communication, deepen emotional connection, and foster a stronger bond

Is there a connection between love languages and other traits of personality?

Is there a connection between love languages and other traits of personality?

Yes, there is a broad connection between love languages and personality traits, including those identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Enneagram. While love languages focus on how individuals express and receive affection, MBTI and Enneagram types delve into broader aspects of personality, including how we perceive the world, make decisions, and manage emotions. People's love languages may reflect aspects of their personality, such as a preference for quality time aligning with introverted or reflective traits, or acts of service connecting with practical, detail-oriented personalities. Understanding the interplay between your love language and personality type can offer deeper insights into your relationship dynamics and personal growth avenues.

What if my partner and I “speak” different languages of love?

What if my partner and I “speak” different languages of love?

If your partner and I have different love languages, it's an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding in the relationship. Recognize and respect each other's unique ways of expressing and receiving love. Communication is key: discuss your primary love languages and explore ways to show love in a manner that resonates with each other. Being mindful of and actively using your partner's love language can enhance emotional connection and relationship satisfaction.

How can I encourage my partner to take a love language test?

How can I encourage my partner to take a love language test?

To encourage your partner to take a love language test, you can highlight the benefits of understanding each other's love languages to improve your communication and deepen your connection. Express your interest in learning how to better meet their emotional needs and share how this insight can benefit both of you. Suggest taking the BrainManager's Languages of Love Test together as a fun and meaningful activity. Doing so can not only help you discover your love languages but also strengthen your bond by showing commitment to growing together in the relationship.

Are love languages just for romantic relationships?

Are love languages just for romantic relationships?

Love languages are not just for romantic relationships; they can enhance communication and connection with family, friends, and even in the workplace. Understanding and applying love languages in various relationships can foster deeper bonds, show appreciation effectively, and improve interactions across all areas of life. Parents and Children: Understanding your child's love language can significantly improve your relationship with them. It helps in showing affection in ways that are most meaningful to the child, strengthening the parent-child bond. Friends: With friends, knowing each other's love languages can deepen friendships. It allows you to support and express care for each other in more personalized and appreciated ways. Workplace: While the term "love" might not be appropriate for the workplace, the principles behind love languages can be applied to improve professional relationships, teamwork, and employee recognition. Understanding how colleagues and employees prefer to receive appreciation and recognition can lead to a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Are love languages supported by scientific research?

Are love languages supported by scientific research?

While the concept of love languages has gained widespread popularity and anecdotal support, scientific research on them is still developing. The theory, introduced by Dr. Gary Chapman, is based on his observations and clinical experience rather than rigorous scientific studies. Some psychologists and researchers suggest that love languages can offer valuable insights into personal preferences and relationship dynamics, encouraging communication and understanding between partners Though direct scientific evidence supporting the specific categorization of the five love languages may be limited, the underlying principles — such as the importance of expressing affection in ways that are meaningful to the recipient — are well-supported in the broader psychological research on relationships, attachment styles, and communication.



The Five Love Languages®, The Love Language® Quiz, and Five Love Languages® are registered trademarks of the Love Language Brand and The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. The BrainManager Languages of Love Test is modeled after Chapman’s principles, but we have no affiliation.

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